woensdag 9 november 2011

because I had a bad day.

Why does this happen to me? Ok let's start with the serious stuff. A half year ago I started to get shaking hands while playing basketball, I thought it was because of the high adrenaline level, but mom told me to see the doctor. Just to be sure. He told me it would just go away itself and that I would not have it longer than some months. But it didn't and it got worse. I even got it when I get up out of bed, (so no adrenaline) when I ride my bike, before dinner, after dinner, in bed. It's just random, so it seems. So I called the doctor and went today. She asked me some things and listened to my heart rhythm. She said or I had something with my heart or it is something with my thyroid. Both aren't really nice things.. She told me to give some blood for research. Because giving the medication for my heart could be wrong, when it's not that condition. This was also the first time I gave some blood, and I was on my own so I was a bit scared. Luckily there was a men and he was very calm while they took his blood. It made me calm too. And it actually wasn't that scary. Just felt a bit weird. The plaster hurt me more haha. When I took it off i also took a lot of arm hairs with it haha.
Then bad thing two. I'm not very happy at school, you guys know that. Some issues. But today the teachers where coming together and they have put a little text on my profile, and I've read it. It's not really good..
They think I'm not really a student, that I'm not interested in the lessons and that I'm not really interested in Photography..
Well I agree with them on some things but I am interested in Photography and I do pay attention. But I'm just not myself, my creativity is gone. I really need to have it back. Otherwise I really need to find another school. Ah well..
Hope it will all work out..
Here are some twin pictures..

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